SASH ACAP Sexual Assault/Harassment

Sexual assault and sexual harassment are not tolerated at ACAP.


ACAP records and monitors incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment. This information is used to improve our policies and services, and to ensure that students making reports are provided with appropriate support and information. You can tell us about incident/s anonymously, and no further action will be taken.


You have three options and can use this form for all options


1. You can disclose an incident/s that happened to you, that you witnessed or that someone told you about anonymously. There will be no follow up, but we will record this information.


2. You can disclose an incident/s that happened to you, that you witnessed or that someone told you about using your name, and we will contact you within two working days to discuss and provide information regarding your options.


3. You can make a formal report of incident/s which will lead to a formal investigation process. You will be contacted within two working days of submitting a report.

Please include dates, times, places, what took place, the names of people involved, including any witnesses, and any other information about the incident(s).


You will have the option of attaching any supporting materials or documents relevant to the incident/s, such as screen shots of texts or copies of emails after pressing the "Submit Eevnt and Incident Report" button upon completion of the details, at the bottom of the form.

If you wish to supply your name, or make a formal complaint, please complete the details below and a staff member from the Directorate of Student Experience will contact you


After selecting 'Submit Event and Incident Details' you will have the opportunity to attach any additional information in the form of attachments.

If you do not have any additional attachments you can save a PDF copy of this report and its related reference number for future reference.